Today in class we discussed some of the more valuable lessons and most memorable speakers we have had in class this semester. Personally my most memorable speaker(s) was a tie between Mark Story of the Lexington Herald-Leader and Tom Leach, "The Voice of the Wildcats." These two are people I have grown up reading an listening to so to hear them speak was an awesome moment for me. Mark Story is someone I really look up to as a writer because he gets to go to work everyday knowing he is going to write about sports, and to top it off UK sports. It has always been a dream of mine to get paid to either write or talk about UK sports. That's where Tom Leach comes in. For as long as I can remember Tom Leach has been calling UK games on the radio. I remember as a kid having to go to bed sometimes before the end of basketball games, and not wanting to. So I would turn my radio alarm clock on as low as possible an listen to the game. Unfortunately for me I am a very vocal fan and I got caught numerous times when it would be a close game, and my alarm clock would get taken from me.
Overall the lessons I learned from this semester included that you have to have a passion and a lot of determination to be competitive in this field. Mark an Tom both emphasized these points in their presentation. Another common theme through out this semester was that this job takes a lot of work and perseverance to get to the top, and without both these things you are destined to fail. Hard work is something that all of our speakers have strived towards accomplishing.
Overall this semester has been enriching in two ways,1. the connections and confidence I have gained in my own writing is amazing, and 2. life-long lessons from great writers are things that I will carry with me whenever I write.
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